Alexandros Shiamaris Law Office is located in the heart of the capital city of Cyprus, Nicosia. From our premises in Nicosia we run our legal practice to the maximum of our capabilities. We treat our clients as more than just an isolated business or service transaction. At every opportunity, we strive to delve beyond the specific legal issue to understand the “why”—the bigger picture—that motivates a client’s request for a particular service.
We believe we must develop that understanding so we can provide our client with full value. Otherwise, we could be providing advice that solves a specific issue, only to face one or more new issues down the road that might have been avoided had we understood the fuller picture.
Our vision is to provide our clients with skilled legal advice in a timely and efficient manner. We strive to handle each matter with accountability and responsiveness, as if we were representing ourselves. We focus our attention on the legal aspects of our client’s business so that our clients can focus their attention on the success of their business. Our vision reflects our values: integrity, service, excellence and teamwork.
Integrity : We lead by example in all we do. We set the highest goals of honesty and ethics.
Service: Our work is handled timely and efficiently.
Excellence: Our work reflects our best efforts, never less.
Teamwork: You are our client. We know that to achieve your business goals, we need to operate as a team. The best results are achieved through this collaboration.